This new kit contains the materials, pattern and instructions to make a stunning set comprised of a Banskia Flower, Seed pod head and Leaf.
Comprised of quality materials and featuring entirely naturally dyed felt and embroidery threads, the Banksia set is a keepsake that will be treasured.
When finished, the Flower measures approximately 13cm long x 7cm wide. The Seed pod measures approximately 17cm long x 5cm wide and the leaf is 25cm long.
This kit is suited to a crafter with an moderate to higher level of crafting experience. The steps are straight-forward but a bit detailed. The online tutorial (Visit the Tutorial website on this website) is a helpful resource that includes heaps of photographs to aid you along the way.
There are three pieces you will make in the kit:
Part 1: FLOWER
Your kit has:
- FELT: Colour 1: Coral/orange pure wool felt for the Flower Front Top piece, naturally dyed with Madder root and Marigold flowers.
-FELT: Colour 2: Deep yellow/orange pure wool felt for the Flower Front Base piece, naturally dyed with Fustic.
-FELT: Colour 3: Rusty orange pure wool felt for the Flower Reverse piece, naturally dyed with Madder root and Marigold flowers.
-THREAD: Soft coral coloured 2ply Finn woollen embroidery thread for the stitching on the Flower front top piece, naturally dyed with Madder root.
- THREAD: A mix of yellow 2ply Finn woollen embroidery threads for the stitching on the Flower base piece, naturally dyed with Marigold, Madder and Fustic
-Paper pattern
-Woolen roving for stuffing
Part 2: LEAVES
Your kit has:
-FELT: Colour 4: Green Pure wool felt for the Banksia Leaves, naturally dyed with Dock leaves and Iron water.
-THREAD: Green 2ply Finn woollen embroidery thread to cover the pipe cleaner and stitch the leaf vein, naturally dyed with Dock leaves and organic Indigo.
-Paper pattern
-1 long pipe cleaner.
Part 3: SEED POD
Your kit has:
- FELT: Colour 5: Charcoal brown pure wool felt for the Seed Pod Body and Pods, from naturally coloured sheep’s fleece.
-FELT: Colour 6: Smaller brown piece of pure wool felt for the Seeds dyed with Walnut hulls.
-THREAD: Brown 2ply Finn woollen embroidery thread to cover the pipe cleaner, naturally dyed with Walnut hulls and Iron water.
-Paper pattern
-1 shorter pipe cleaner
-Leftover smaller quantity of woollen roving for stuffing
You will need the following supplies:
-Paper scissors and sharp, small fabric scissors
- Sewing needles and pins
- Cotton sewing thread
-A tape measure or a ruler